The Elrods

The Elrods
Thanksgiving Thankful

Thursday, March 17, 2011

ask, seek, knock...

Matthew 7:7-8 (NIV)

Recently, I have had the pleasure of meeting some amazing women.  (I know I have mentioned this to several of you already)  Among them, TaJuan McCarty of The WellHouse, Inc. and Lisa Holifield of Roxeanne and Russell in the mornings on WDJC.  To say it has kinda given me something to think about is definitely an understatement!  The job that God has laid in these ladies laps has been a real eye opener for me. They have bravely and humbly picked up the armor of God and prepared themselves for His calling.  Being around them, the Holy Spirit is just infectious! (Did I say that right?!  You get what I am meaning!)  Jesus is just oozing out of them!  I told Lisa that I am just in love with her.  She is just fabulous.  But really, I am in love with Jesus.  It is God, His Love, His Son, His Holy Spirit that I see in her.  I see what she is fighting for and I want to help!

You know, you have to be careful what you ask God for, He might just give it to you!  He has put these two amazing women in my path and I have got to be sensitive to Him and know what He wants me to do about it!  lol!  Yes, it is funny to me. . . you can't imagine the road God has had me on lately.   I have been asking God to broaden my territory for some time now.  To use me, open doors for me so that I can spread His life-changing WORD.  I mean, I have been just itching to do all I can for The King and His Kingdom.  One of the jobs He has so graciously given me is  leading The Women's Ministry at my church.  I know, a HUGE task, but just flowing with godly opportunities and His blessings. I feel like God has lead me in a direction so that others can be made aware and get involved helping others. 

You know, we don't know much about Jabez , but He would be amazed at how God took his little prayer, used it as a foundation to build amazing ministries.  He truly did broaden his territory!  I think one of the things that we can learn from Jabez and his prayer is that we must keep God in the center of our work.  We have to invite Him in and ask Him to BLESS us.  Jabez wanted to increase his ability to influence others of God.  Exactly how large he increases this territory is not the important part.  But the willingness and the obedience to do so.  When you commit to doing God's work, I believe it is crucial to not only be obedient but to do this in  a close relationship with God.   We must continue to seek His guidance with every step we make.  How can we do this, stay close to Him? Well, if you didn't already know, I am on this little mission to encourage others  and myself  to stay in His word and hide it in our hearts.  His WORD is alive and it will change your life.  His WORD is POWERFULHebrews 4:12.  So, dig in!  Grab the Bible and read His word daily, memorize it, hide it in your heart.  Bible verses tell of God's love and give us everlasting hope!   PRAY,  (Isaiah 55:6 )take everything to Him in prayer.  Ask Him to show you where He wants you to be, how He can use you and your talents.  Commune with Him throughout your day.  And praise him prayerfully.  SURROUND yourself with Godly things and Godly people. Hebrews 10: 24-25.   People who will hold you accountable, encourage you, challenge you to grow spiritually.  And, you have got to make sure you GROW!  You can't become complacent with your relationship with Christ.  You gotta get rid of the bad in your life, prune away that which is not fruitful, so that you can grow.  John 15:2

I am hoping you all will open your eyes to this faith based ministry, The WellHouse, Inc and please join me as we pray for this ministry and all the people involved.  These people need us!  (Actually all they need is God, but I think He wants us to help out!)  It is as simple as planting a seed.  That is all we have to do and HE will do the rest.  Everyone needs to know of God's love, power and all surpassing peace.  My prayer for you is the same for myself.  Asking the Lord to expand our abilities to reach the lost.  

So, with all this being said. . .our verse for this week (or what is left of it!). . .  

7 “Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. 8 For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened. Matthew 7:7-8

Thursday, March 10, 2011

bypassing the belly of the whale...

Romans 8:32

I don't know about you, but I'm bypassing the belly of the whale and heading straight to Nineveh! 

I want to be able to hear God when He is speaking to me and with all my heart I DO want to OBEY.  I need to be in the right place, and by this I mean spiritually, so that I am able to hear His voice, listen and be obedient.  He has blessing after blessing planned for us and when we don't seek Him and obey, we are missing all these blessings intended just for us.  Just think of all the blessings we miss when we don't listen to God and follow Him!

Jonah feared God and the task that God had laid before him.  Sometimes what God is asking of us doesn't seem "doable"!  We think, "WHAT?!?!", the money isn't there, the time isn't right, not enough faith, and just not enough courage.  The excuses  list could go on and on. . .   But the saying tells us that the WILL of God will never lead you where the GRACE of God can not keep you! 

Blessings from our heavenly Father can come to us in so many different forms.  My Daddy told me last week that he did not want me to miss out on a single one of God's BLESSINGS!  He wants so bad for me to have EVERYTHING that God has intended for me to have.  I so want that for myself as well as each and every one of you.  I think in order to receive some of these blessings we have to listen and obey.  Go where He nudges, even if it looks a little like Nineveh! 

Prepare us Oh Lord to HEAR you voice, SEE your direction and OBEY your will for our lives. 

Ask this question, "Are you where you need to be spiritually to receive God's blessings?"

"And whatever you do, do it heartily, as to the Lord and not to men, knowing that from the Lord, you will receive the reward of the inheritance; for you serve the Lord Christ" Colossians 3:23-24. (NKJV)

"Let nothing be done through selfish ambition or conceit, but in lowliness of mind let each esteem others better than himself" Philippians 2:3 (NKJV).  Expand your territory and multiply you blessings by applying this Scripture!

Jonah should not be left just for the children.  His is a story of great life lessons.  Among them are  OBEDIENCE and the willingness of spirit.  We need to listen and obey.  Jonah did as God asked, but continued to cause problems! (That's a story for another day!)  But for now. ..   bypass the belly!!!  GO where HE leads!  Blessings will be poured upon you.

"He who did not spare his own Son, but gave him up for us all—how will he not also, along with him, graciously give us all things?" Romans 8:32 (NIV, 2011)

Seeking Him,


Wednesday, March 2, 2011


John 6:47
At the request of my sweet Emma Mae, I am  asking that we all hide John 6:47 in our hearts!  Part of her curriculum in K5 is learning a Bible verse each with each letter of the alphabet.  I noticed her just busy, busy. . .  writing away at our desk this morning.  As I passed over her, I noticed she was writing down verses from her ABC Bible verse cards.  She asked if there were any that we had not memorized on Word Warriors.  I told her to pick me out one and I would post on our blog.  She was so excited that she got to pick the verse this week!  She wasn't half as excited as I was to be sharing scriptures and talking about God's Word with my sweet baby girl. 

I have been learning Emma Mae's verses with her as well as the verses posted here.  It has been a challenge, but it has been so much fun.  Such a blessing
I encourage you to join Emma Mae and myself as we learn the Bible verse for V this week!  I think it is a GREAT verse!

V-- Verily, verily I say unto you, He that believeth on me has everlasting life. John 6:47
I am praying that there are ones out there who are being encouraged to go and grab a Bible and read God's WORD and memorize these beautiful scriptures and hide them in your hearts!

Much love,
Natalie & Emma Mae

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

each morning...

Psalms 143:8

Sometimes, I don't know to do anything else, but worship Him . . . 

I encourage you today, to find the time to THANK the one who made the moon and the stars . . .
            . . . who gives you strength when you are weary . . .  
 . . . who holds your hand when you are scared . . .                    
                                  . . . who pours His GRACE over you like a drowning rain . . .
       . . .who blesses you beyond measure . . .                         
                              . . .who never ceases to amaze you with HIS  unconditional  LOVE . . .

I am so glad it is HE that I wake to each morning and it is  HIS guiding hand that I take hold.  I am lost without Him.

8 Let me hear of your unfailing love each morning, for I am trusting you.  Show me where to walk, for I give myself to you.  Psalm 143:8 (New Living Translation)

Blessings to you today,

Thursday, February 17, 2011

i'm thinking it's time...

Psalms 51:10

So, my sweet husband is on one of his kicks again. . .  In less than a week, he has detailed my car inside and out, cleaned my garage all the way down to washing the concrete floor, organized drawers overflowing with years of stuff... and his list is growing.  I am afraid if I stand in one spot too long he might grab me and throw me in the back of his truck.  So, if you get a call from Hannah Home... please answer - it's me, I need a ride home!!  Ha! Ha!  He is serious!  But really, it was time, everything was so cluttered and packed full of things we never use anymore.  Some things were there that we really didn't even need. . . just jumbling up things.  He has asked me to tackle certain cabinets.  I have walked by this particular one about 3 dozen times just waiting for it to clean itself.  But, it isn't gonna happen.  It can't clean itself.  There is just no way.  I am the only one who can go sift through all that mess and decide what is important and what is junk, what stays and what needs to be put in the trash can. 

You know, (you see where I am going with this don't you. . .) our hearts are the very same way.  We can't clean it our self.  We need God to go in there pull everything out, sift through all the years of accumulated junk and decide what needs to stay and what needs to be thrown out! 

My bathroom drawer has been so clean and organized for over a week now.  I completely intend to keep it this way.  Daily, I do a little scan over the contents. . .  making sure nothing unnecessary has been added.  If we are not careful, we will let it get back to the same way it was before. 

Every morning when I open that drawer, I get a little giddy!  So nice, just to see the good stuff, the right things that we will need to start our day. 

We can't do it by our self, it just won't get cleaned out.  We can sit there, walking by it, waiting. . .  But He is the only one who can open it up, decide what is important and  clean things up.  I want Him to really help me get organized, search me, get rid of the unnecessary, find a place for the important stuff that I really need. 

And then. . .  I am asking Him to help me keep it that way!

I don't know if it is the burst of warm weather or just knowing that spring is waiting around the corner.  But, I know that it is time for a little cleaning.  So, if you haven't already. . . quit walking by, it is not gonna clean itself!  Today, let God sift through  and decide what needs to stay and what needs to go!

"Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me." Psalms 51:10 (NIV)

Enjoy the weather!!
Thanking Him for all His Grace,

Sunday, February 13, 2011

what was I thinking?!?!

Oh man, write a devotion and choose a verse on words and SURPRISE, SURPRISE?!?!    I mean, come on...what was I thinking?!?!   I haven't been as challenged with my words in so long as I have this past week.  And man, I think I could have done a LOT better!  Who am I kidding. . . I stunk it up!  Why are we even surprised when the enemy comes a knockin'?  We should be very familiar with his tactics by now.  But somehow he manages to creep in and throw us a curve ball.  The past several days I have had some bad crud that has been floating around.  I normally never get sick, but it managed to find its way to my door.  As a mother of three busy kids and a busy little home, there is no time for feeling bad for this momma.  So, as you can imagine things have been a little sticky around here!   

By the way, I must say though that I have the best husband.  In these situations he never knows if he should go right or left, smile or not smile, look up or look down.  (I am not the best sick patient)  He steps it up and does  his job and mine!  He's awesome and I am so thankful for him. 

One night though, the baby was so upset.  As I held my breath and without any motion (I know you know what I am talking about!)  tip toed away from her bed.  I was done and I needed to rest.  Over the next hour and half she cried out, tossed and turned.  But, each time she started, I just started praying Nehemiah 8:10.  Remember, the last verse I hid in my heart!!  lol!  Okay, I am sure there were more appropriate ones, but this one was there.  I grabbed it.  And, I don't know, but it worked! 

Point of the story...I am getting patient.  (1 Thessalonians 5:14..uh, huh?!)  Hiding His Word WORKS!!!!  Imagine all the Scripture you could grab on to in time of need.  When all words are lost, and all prayers are null.  Grab on to His Word!  In that silly little moment, when all I needed was rest.  All I could think of was His Word.  And there I found peace and rest.  I LOVE IT!!!!  Thank you Lord!  Please continue to stir in me... 

See you on Wednesday with a new Word to HIDE in your hearts!!

So thankful for His Grace,

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

our Words, HIS WORD...

John 1:1

Words, words, words...  I have been reading a lot lately about WORDS.  Since childhood and its little song, "sticks and stones... " we are taught the emphasis on Words.  It is just recently that I have really began to focus on the importance of words.  How we use them, how we read them and how they are alive!  Yes, words are alive.  They are spoken into this world and right before our very eyes they begin to breath, take shape, create, change things.  These 26 letters that are magically shoved together make up our world. 

As a mother of three little angels, I am daily (by the minute) challenged with my words.  It is so easy (for me) to get upset with them and begin fussing, saying things I shouldn't, using poor words.  These words are what make my children, these 26 letters that I choose and put together is what they potentially will become.    I am trying soooo hard to watch my words.  I want to speak Life into my children.  Fill them with the right words, with HIS Word.  Because what I am learning is really about The Word, The Word of God.  How it also is alive, creating, dwelling...  And how we choose to use it can change our world.  So, be mindful of your words and His Word.  They shape the world around us!

For some time now, I have been riding this scripture-memorization-train.  Encouraging others to join in with me.  As I have admitted to you before, I have only a handful of God's Words hidden in my heart.  I am determined though, if I stick with it, that by hiding His Word in my heart I will be changed forever.  So many things we have no control over.  But, we have a choice of what we choose to plant inside our hearts and mind.

I have the honor and pleasure of leading The Women's Ministry at my church.  Recently, we talked on this subject, about the power of words and His Words.  I am encouraging them over the next year to try and hide His Word in their hearts.  Start small, start with yourself.  Read the scriptures in the Bible and commit them to memory.  Like planting a seed in a garden...  you hide it down in the dirt, tend to it, taking care of it daily and before you know it... LIFE!  There is no doubt that if we make the effort to read and memorize passages from His Word that it will change us into something beautiful, alive and growing!

So, today, this cold Wednesday morning, I am rekindling a little fire.  If you haven't begun to try and hide His Word in your hearts...START TODAY, hop on this train.  The verses I choose to share with you  are ones that God has laid upon my heart.   I would love for you guys to share your favorite verse with me.  Better yet, each week I give you one, give me one back!  I struggle to remember things, really I do.  (I could tell you a story or two about forgetting.  No, I never left my children anywhere, but...)  I am asking God to help me make this a very important priority. 

I am going to try posting  here at instead of sending out this entire devotion and scripture in an email.  Not sure how it works best for you, but please let me know!  I really want to include you on this journey.  If you are anything like me, I need a support system, a group of buddies to encourage me and hold me accountable.  I am hoping that is what we are doing here!  I will also be posting reasons and ways to learn and memorize scripture.  So, if you haven't already, join me... it will be fun!

 Our scripture for this week, simple and perfect... John 1:1
1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. John 1:1 (NIV)

Joy unspeakable and full of grace (awesome sign-off,  I borrowed from a friend of mine-Thanks!),