Hi! My name is Natalie, Sissy, Nat, natcocloud, MOMMA! I am a princess (child of The King!) living in the deep South, who got to marry my very Best Friend, birth three AmAziNg kiddos, been given the title "World's Greatest Sister" (only because I have The World's BEST Little Brother) and am surrounded by the best parents, step-parents, grandparents and n-laws you could imagine! My family is so amazing! I mean. . . I got it pretty good! Oh, and my sweet husband works extra hard so I can stay at home with my kids! I could go on...really, I could! God is SO good to me. . . my cup overfloweth! One day I had a terrible thought. . . my world without the Bible! Okay, so I know the Bible or do I?! I was raised in the church and have the great stories of the Bible embedded in my mind, but did I know enough? Did I know enough to teach my children about Jesus. The thought was life changing. The more I thought about it, the more I realized the importance of knowing scripture. I HAD to hide His Word in my heart! For my sake and my families! So, I begin emailing my friends and family, encouraging them to take this journey of scripture memorization with me. We would do it together, each week... learn a verse from the Bible. I created this blog to post and archive these verses and devotions. So, if you are just joining us on this journey, you can see where we have been! I encourage you along with myself to memorize these scriptures from the Bible! Along with each verse I share a little something from me. . . I hope you understand the importance of hiding His Word and how it can change who we are and how we live. So, join me in hiding His Word in our hearts. . .