The Elrods

The Elrods
Thanksgiving Thankful

Saturday, June 5, 2010

why joy...

Hey Guys,
Thanks again for all the encouraging words. I hate I am coming to you guys a day late, but, bare with me. I have got a great verse to share with you guys. Several of you passed on verses that have helped you at some time or another (and I loved them!) and I want us to learn them all, but this one caught my attention. Not necesarily at first, but I though t it would do! I was running out of time and had not prepared the verse in the way that I had intended to do. I sat down to "google" the verse, and God nudged me on my shoulder! As I researched and read about the verse and read in my Bible, I realized He was showing me that there was so much more to this simple verse...

"Do not grieve, for the joy of the Lord is your strength." Nehemiah 8:10 (NIV)

Why is joy so important? Because the "joy of the Lord is our strength". Joy produces strength and we need strength to deal with day to day trials. Today, life seems so hard and dificult. It seems we are always battling something. The Lord wants us to take refuge in Him, to gather strength from Him. You know, pure joy is not the same as happiness. "Happiness" comes from the word "happen". Happiness is based on the things happening around you, in your life. God tells us that there is pure joy in the middle of trials. "The joy of the Lord is your strength"!!!! Joy gives us strength, we choose to fight, we have the strength to overcome, we rejoice in the victory! Do not be tired...He is our strength!!!!!! So, by rejoicing you overcome your trials!

Before I g o, I have to ask...did you hide the Word in your heart? Again, I challenge and encourage you to take this journey with us in learning the Word of God. So, that we may hide His word in our heart we will be able to battle and overcome!!!

May God bless our diligence and hard work!!!

I love you guys,

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